Advanced Alert Settings

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Advanced Settings gives the user greater control of Flight Alert settings by using more precise measurements.

ClosedClick to see the Flight Alert System Advanced Settings window



Distance, in Miles, for "Aircraft Near Destination" Event

By selecting this option, an alert is issued when the aircraft comes within the set number of miles of its destination.

Generate a Departed Event

When this option is selected an alert is generated when a selected aircraft has departed and is in the In-flight state. The information comes from the first positional message that has been received.

Generate a Position Updated Event

Select one of these options to receive an alert for a specific aircraft every time a position report has been received, the aircraft's latitude or longitude has changed, the aircraft's taxi time enters the warning or critical state.

  • All position updates; even if the latitude and longitude have not changed
  • Only position updates where the latitude and/or longitude have changed
  • Taxi time warning (minutes): ex. 60 minutes = one hour
  • Taxi time critical (minutes): ex. 120 minutes = one and one half hours

Refer to Set/Clear Events in the Event List, Voice, and Other Alerts

Select one of these options when referring to non-discreet events (i.e. latching button). Non-discreet events are not built into Flight Explorer. Data is input from the user through the 3PDI interface.

  • Set and Cleared when prior events have been changed or cleared
  • Clicked and Released when prior events have been selected

Minimum aircraft deviation from route (NM)

A minimum distance, in nautical miles, to determine when an aircraft has deviated from the current route. Event Manager sends an alert if the aircraft deviates greater than the set threshold.

Minimum route ETE change (minutes)

Compares the number of minutes from the current route to a new route. Event Manager alerts if the difference in the ETE is greater than the set threshold.

Minimum route distance change (NM)

Compares the number of nautical miles from the current route to a new route. Event Manager alerts if the differences in routes is greater than the set threshold.

Minutes past planned departure time

When an aircraft has passed a planned departure time, an alert is triggered according to the specified number of minutes. The number of minutes is shown within the alert.

Minimum ETA change (minutes)

A time, in minutes, can be entered to send an alert when the Estimated Time of Arrival has changed. FE remembers when the last alert was sent and sends an alert only after the threshold has been reached or passed. If the threshold is set for several (15) minutes, a change may occur every 4 minutes. The alert will be sent after the fourth change because it would have reached 16 minutes, not before your 15 minute threshold.

For example

1 minute setting

An alert is sent if the ETA is changed by 1 minute or more.

0 minute setting

An alert is sent on all changes including updates even when the ETA has not changed.

10 minute setting

An alert is sent when accumulated changes have reached 10 minutes. Several changes may occur during this 10 minute time period.

Minimum EDCT change (minutes)

A time, in minutes can be entered to send an alert when the Expected Departure Clearance Time has changed.

Minimum ETD change (minutes)

Enter a time, in minutes, when an alert should be sent for an Estimated Time of Departure change.

Minimum CTA change (minutes)

Enter a time, in minutes, when an alert should be sent for a Controlled Time of Arrival change.

Reroute Impact Events *

These events can be caused by many different situations. For example, a normal route may be going through a temporary no-fly zone, a natural disaster that causes poor visibility, or any number of constraints issued by the FAA or those listed on the My Constraints list. You can choose from one of three options:



Alert for all reroute impacts

Select to receive an alert message for any and all reroutes that impact your flight(s).

Alert for only non-con formant reroute impacts

Select to receive an alert message for only the non-con formant reroutes or reroutes that deviate from the suggested path, that impact your flight(s).

Alert for only required, non-con formant impacts

Select to receive an alert message for reroutes that are non-con formant or deviate from the suggested path but are also required reroutes.

Enable Events at Start-up for existing reroute, FCA and GS/GDP impacts *

Select this option to use the 3 impact events (FCA, GS, and GDP) at start-up for existing re-routes.

Note  * Included with the AFM Suite. Please contact your Flight Explorer account representative for more information and to activate this service.