Item Selection List
Item |
Description |
Alt (active) * |
Shows count of active flights whose alternate destination matches the airport |
Alt (p/s)* |
Shows count of all flights whose alternate destination matches the airport |
Arrival Delay |
Shows the minutes of the arrival delay. |
Indicates the arrival rate for the airport. |
Arrival Runways |
Indicates the arrival runways for the airport. |
Closure (FAA)** |
Shows the type of airport closure: airline or all from the FAA feed. |
De-icing |
Indicates if De-icing is occurring. Active appears in the cell if de-icing is occurring. |
Departure Delay |
Shows the minutes of the departure delay. |
Departure Rate |
Indicates the departure rate for the airport. |
Departure Runways |
Indicates the departure runways for the airport. |
Dest (active) |
Shows count of active flights whose destination matches the airport |
Dest (p/s) |
Shows count of all flights whose destination matches the airport |
Div Act Air Narrow |
Shows the current number of diverted narrow body aircraft at that airport for you airline. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Act Air Total |
Shows the current total number of diverted wide and narrow body aircraft for your airline. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Act Air Wide |
Shows the current number of diverted wide body aircraft at the airport for your airline. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Act Net Narrow |
Shows the current total of diverted narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Div Act Net Total |
Shows the current total number of diverted wide and narrow body aircraft at the airport. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Act Net Wide |
Shows the current total of diverted wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Div Act Othr Narrow |
Shows the current number of diverted narrow body aircraft from other airlines. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Act Othr Total |
Shows the current total number of diverted wide and narrow body aircraft from other airlines. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Act Othr Wide |
Shows the current number of diverted wide body aircraft from other airlines. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Air Narrow |
Shows the availability for narrow body aircraft in your airline. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Air Total |
Shows the availability for the total of the wide and narrow body aircraft in your airline. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Air Wide |
Shows the availability for wide body aircraft in your airline. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Net Narrow |
Shows the availability for narrow body aircraft in all airlines including others and your airline. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Net Total |
Shows the total availability for wide and narrow body aircraft for all airlines including others and your airline. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Net Wide |
Shows the availability for wide body aircraft for all airlines including others and your airline. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Othr Narr |
Shows the availability for narrow body aircraft of other airlines. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Othr Total |
Shows the availability for the total number of wide and narrow body aircraft for other airlines. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Avl Othr Wide |
Shows the availability for wide body aircraft for other airlines. The availability is the difference between the capacity and the actual (current). The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Air Narrow |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for your airline narrow body aircraft. The capacity is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration Tool. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Air Total |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for wide and narrow body aircraft. The capacity is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration Tool. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Air Wide |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for your airline wide body aircraft. The capacity is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration Tool. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Net Narrow |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for all airline narrow body aircraft. The capacity is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration Tool. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Net Total |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for all wide and narrow body aircraft. The capacity is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration Tool. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Net Wide |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for all airline wide body aircraft. The capacity is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration Tool. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Othr Narrow |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for other airline narrow body aircraft. The capacity is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration Tool. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Othr Total |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for wide and narrow body aircraft for other airlines. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Cap Othr Wide |
Shows the airline defined diversion capacity for wide body aircraft for other airlines. The capacity is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration Tool. The value comes from Diversion Manager. |
Div Man Comments |
Shows comments from Diversion Manager. |
DM Closure |
Shows the closure time that comes from Diversion Manager . This can be different from the FAA closure that uses the FAA feed. |
DM Closure End |
Shows the closure end that comes from Diversion Manager . |
DM Closure Start |
Shows the closure start that comes from Diversion Manager. |
Shows the total number of aircraft holding for that airport. |
Ground delay |
Shows the minutes of the ground delay. |
Ground stop |
Shows by either a yes or no if there is a ground stop. |
Shows the three character IATA airport identifier |
Shows the four character ICAO airport identifier. |
METAR Altimeter |
Shows the METAR altimeter. |
METAR Ceiling |
Shows the METAR ceiling. |
METAR Dew Pt |
Shows the METAR dew point. |
METAR Flight Cat |
Shows the METAR flight category. |
METAR Temperature |
Shows the METAR temperature. |
METAR time |
Indicates the time of the METAR observation . Note By default the time is in UTC time. The time display is configurable to local time in Flight Explorer. |
METAR Visibility |
Shows the METAR visibility value. |
METAR Wind Dir |
Shows the METAR wind direction. |
METAR Wind Gusts |
Shows the METAR wind gusts speed. |
METAR Wind Speed |
Shows the METAR wind speed. |
Monitor Status Alt |
Shows the Airport Monitor status for the destination alternate airport. |
Monitor Status Apt |
Shows the monitor status of the airport. You will see Info (blue), Watch (yellow), Warn (amber), Critical (red) |
Monitor Status Dst |
Shows the Airport Monitor status for the destination airport. |
Monitor Status Org |
Shows the Airport Monitor status for the origin airport. |
Phone |
Shows the phone number that is defined in the Diversion Manager Administration tool. |
RVR-Worst Case |
Shows the worst case RVR status. |
Shows the TAF status. |
TAF time |
Indicates the time of the TAF observation. Note By default the time is in UTC time. The time display is configurable to local time in Flight Explorer. |
Closure Start ** |
Shows the date/time when the closure begins. |
Closure End ** |
Shows the date/time when the closure concludes |
Gates/Air/Narrow ** |
Shows the maximum airline capacity for narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Gates/Air/Wide ** |
Shows the maximum airline capacity for wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Gates/Net/Narrow ** |
Shows the maximum network capacity for narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Gates/Net/Wide** |
Shows the maximum network capacity for wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Gates/Apt/Narrow ** |
Shows the maximum total capacity for narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Gates/Apt/Wide ** |
Shows the maximum total capacity for wide body aircraft at the airport |
Used/Air/Narrow |
Shows the current airline demand for narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Used/Air/Wide |
Shows the current airline demand for wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Used/Net/Narrow |
Shows the current network demand for narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Used/Net/Wide |
Shows the current network demand for wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Used/Apt/Narrow |
Shows the current total demand for narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Used/Apt/Wide |
Shows the current total demand for wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Avail/Air/Narrow * |
Shows the current airline capacity for narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Avail/Air/Wide * |
Shows the current airline capacity for wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Avail/Net/Narrow * |
Shows the current network capacity for narrow body aircraft at the airport |
Avail/Net/Wide * |
Shows the current network capacity for wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Avail/Apt/Narrow * |
Shows the current total capacity for narrow body aircraft at the airport. |
Avail/Apt/Wide * |
Shows the current total capacity for wide body aircraft at the airport. |
Comments ** |
Shows the comments for an airport as entered by airline administrator. |
* denotes a field whose data originates from an authorized customer (3PDI) data feed. ** denotes a field whose data originates from Diversion Management Administrative Interface |
To add columns to the existing Airport List,
- Click the column heading you want to include on the left and
then click
The new column heading appears in the list. - To move the heading to the desired position in the Airport List, click the Up or Down buttons.
- To remove a column, click the column heading on
the right and then, click
. The column is removed from the Airport List.
- Click OK.
Added Flights Holding into in v15.2