3rd Party Customized Events
This topic pertains only to those Flight Explorer customers who receive 3PDI data.
3PDI users can customize events and notification settings for data by creating an FE.ini File. Please note that the FE.ini file may have already been created to use the ELI - External Link Integration feature. If FE.ini already exists, add the [Events] section header with brackets and input the custom event entries using the following parameters and syntax:
Where %s in Event List Text indicates the Aircraft ID insertion position.
99990=TableText1,%s EventListText1,SpokenText1
99991=TableText2,%s EventListText2,SpokenText2
99992=TableText3,%s EventListText3,SpokenText3
99993=TableText4,%s EventListText4,SpokenText4
99994=TableText5,%s EventListText5,SpokenText5
99995=TableText6,%s EventListText6,SpokenText6
99996=TableText7,%s EventListText7,SpokenText7
99997=TableText8,%s EventListText8,SpokenText8
When events have been added as described above, they can have the alerting mechanisms built into Flight Explorer.
Note The event code is a specific number or block of numbers assigned by Flight Explorer to individual 3PDI data providers. 3PDI users can obtain these codes from either their system administrators or by contacting Flight Explorer technical support.
Route information can be sent to Flight Explorer for evaluation using the Route Analyzer tool, be modified, then sent back to the 3rd party application. When a routing message is encountered, the Route Analyzer window opens with the new route entered.